Meet the Startup Award Finalist: Closure
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One of the events you‘re’ sure to find during Amsterdam Capital Week is TEDxAmsterdamWomen’s Startup Award!
The semi-finals of their annual competition kicked off the week on September 24th. After hearing the female founders pitch their companies, the judges selected the 3 finalists who continued to the final stage of the competition.
What are these finalists up to? We spoke to Graciëlla from Closure to hear more… (Teaser: They’re hiring!)
MEET CLOSURE — Founded by Graciëlla van Hamersveld & Chantal van der Velde
- What is Closure? -
After someone has passed away, Closure unburdens relatives by finalising all the subscriptions, contracts & accounts of their beloved one. Finalising this “digital legacy,” consisting of telecom, utilities, financial institutions, newspapers, magazines, charity, social media, and so on. This is a time-consuming process, in which relatives are continuously confronted with their loss.
Closure is the link between relatives and all of these companies companies, yet they only need to notify once.
“Closure foresees a day when everyone’s digital legacy is automatically completed, free of charge to relatives.”
- How it Started -
Chantal and I both studied Econometrics — Data Science — and noticed that people were paying a lot of attention to personal data during their life (GDPR perfectly stresses this increase in awareness).
Have you ever thought about what happens to all this data when you’re not around anymore? Most people certainly haven’t.
After experiencing the burden that “digital legacy” imposes on relatives, we felt the urge to do something about it. That’s when the concept of Closure was born.
“Our goal is to become the centralised party for finalising the digital legacy.”
- Giving Back -
We had the great opportunity to go to university and learn useful skills. In our case, data. Instead of using data for marketing purposes, as many companies do, we strive to enhance the quality of life of people who are going through an emotional, rough period, by making a traditional process more efficient.
Closure’s service is free of charge for relatives, which is why they’re working even harder to partner up with the right companies offering subscriptions, contracts and accounts.
- Who Should Get in Touch? -
- Closure is looking to scale up, currently hiring (great) sales people & programmers
- Potential partners, including banks, insurance, telecom, gas & electricity companies.
- Investors who would like to invest to help the company scale
- People with the same mindset & ambitions
If you can help & would like to get in contact with the founders of Closure, contact!
Check out the Closure website for more info + read more about Startup Award here.